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The Baby Manual

Updated: Apr 18

I don't know about you, but it seems like EVERYONE I know is having a baby this year! As a dog mom to my French bulldog, I don't have a whole lot of knowledge about actual babies. So I did what anyone would do when looking for baby shower gift inspiration...I went to TikTok!

The first two gifts I made were the classic gift basket made of a diaper caddy and all the baby goodies a new mom could need. Of course, we throw in a few boxes of diapers and wipes for the raffles and ta-da, you're done!

Here are some examples that range from easy to expert:

Cute right? I thought so, until I found ANOTHER idea. This is an easy addition to your gift that will be the most helpful to the new mom during her hospital stay, pediatric visits, and during the first few months of being new to motherhood. What is it? It's a personalized baby guide! You can create your own or buy my sheets to print and add to a portfolio notebook.

Here are some example photos of what I included:

Below are links for new moms & baby shower guests to do some quick and zero effort shopping on our favorite place, Amazon!

Lastly, here are some Lactation recipes for mom. These are great recipes to add to your notebook or to make as a post delivery gift when visiting the new baby!


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